We're launching a new service where you can manage all of your keys in one place for free. Sign Up X

Access Key Provided to {{keyInfo.affiliate.name}}

Download Suppression List

{{keyInfo.unsubList.site.name}} allows downloads of plain text and hashed email addresses only plain text email addresses only hashed email addresses only plain text and hashed phone numbers only plain text phone numbers only hashed phone numbers only

Note: Alpha characters within email addresses are normalized to lowercase before conversion to MD5 or SHA, along with leading and trailing spaces also removed.
Note: Phone numbers are normalized by removing dashes, parentheses and spaces before conversion to MD5 or SHA.

Scrub Your Mailing List

Scrub Your Phone Numbers List

{{keyInfo.unsubList.site.name}} allows scrubbing only and you're unable to export email addresses. Upload your mailing list and our system will scrub the list against the suppression list and other affiliates.

{{keyInfo.unsubList.site.name}} allows scrubbing only and you're unable to export phone numbers. Upload your phone numbers list and our system will scrub the list against the suppression list and other affiliates.

Acceptable file types: .txt, .csv, or .zip

Drop a file from your computer

or Browse for a file

{{$flow.files[0].name}} ({{$flow.files[0].size | fileSize}})

{{($flow.files[0].progress() * 100 | number:0) + '%'}}
Uploading your file now... Cancel Upload complete
Waiting to Scrub
{{(scrubFile.scrubPercentage | number:0) + '%'}}
Scrubbing your file now...

When the scrub has completed, you will receive an email with a link to download to the scrubbed file. You may now leave this page.

Scrub complete

Download Scrub Results


Email Results to :

Note: Alpha characters within email addresses are normalized to lowercase before conversion to MD5 or SHA, along with leading and trailing spaces also removed.
Note: Phone numbers are normalized by removing dashes, parentheses and spaces before conversion to MD5 or SHA.

Key Information

  • {{(keyInfo.endTime | date) || 'Never'}}
  • {{keyInfo.startTime | date}}
  • {{keyInfo.keyString}}
  • {{keyInfo.affiliate.name || 'None'}}
  • {{accessOptions()}}
Message from Advertiser
